Friday 23 May 2014

Sam reviews: The Amazing Spiderman 2

Once again, I’m bored out of my mind, so I have decided to wright a blog post, YAY! so, today I’m going to be writing about The Amazing Spiderman, at first in a spoiler free part, then a spoiler part, so if you haven’t seen the movie then I would recommend the second part. So, first of all I feel that I have to say that I absolutely love the Amazing Spiderman, it was pretty much perfection in a movie and I’m not sure they could of done a Spiderman origin film any better. As a second part to that film, I can’t say that I wasn’t disappointed, but then again I knew I was going to be because there was no way it was going to live up to the first film, but it was still twice as good as any of the original trilogy. Overall, I think it was definitely worth all the money I spent (I saw it on release) and would do it again, the start and middle of the film are exceptional in many ways, but when it got to the ending it dipped a bit, I am about to say why, so as I said at the start, if you are going to see it don’t read past the big, bold spoiler alert, and if you haven’t seen it, seriously do, because it is definitely worth it. SPOILER ALERT. If you are seeing this then you either don’t care or have seen it, hello! So, I felt the movie dipped right after Harry Osborn (The Green Goblin) took the spider venom, after that, Electro who was originally an incredibly complex character that left you confused whether to feel sorry for him or be angry at, turned into a glorified henchman, and you knew instantly that he would die at some point, because at this point the writers must of thought he was stealing the Green Goblins spotlight. But anyway, Electro inevitably died, and instantly the Green Goblin swoops in. they are thrown into the big clock tower, while Peter has to both fight and hold Gwen with a web to stop her from falling. Now, I have to admit, this was a pretty cool fight scene, but I couldn’t enjoy it very much because I was already sad, as all the other nerds were. You see, in the comics, when Gwen Stacey left was when she died, by falling. Yeah, so I  knew that she was going to die, and it sucked. I see why they did this, but I still think they could of let her die in a less stupid way, if he weren’t written as such an Idiot in this scene then Peter would of just webbed her to a wall and carried on fighting, it would of been so easy, and would have stopped the now inevitable Mary Jane Watson introduction in the Amazing Spiderman 3. So yes, she falls and Peter webs her at the last second, but the webs elasticity means that she still hits the floor, and at this point I’m pretty sure everyone in the cinema cringed as the horrible spine break sound effect happened. So, Gwen is dead and Peter is distraught and stops being Spiderman. Then, it goes to a strange man walking around the depths of Oscorp. I have to say I loved this scene just because of what its hinting at. He walks down while there is a voice over saying that the rhino mech should go first. Yes, the Sinister Six. The sinister Six is a group of Spiderman’s greatest enemies joined together, and now we see that none of them have wings, or rhino horns.. etc. they have mechanical armour making them that. I think this is a great idea, and I’m sure tons of other people agree, so I was there getting all excited thinking, YAY, FIGHT WITH RHINO. So, there is a small montage of time passing and we find out it has been five months since Spiderman’s last appearance and the city has become a lot more rough. Rhino is about to kill civilians until a small kid pretends to be Spiderman, being like, COME AT ME, then the real Spiderman goes behind him. what bugs me is that they SO STOLE THIS FROM IRON MAN 2, as much as it was done better, as Spiderman had previously saved this kid from bullies, it had happened before and bugged me. so, yeah Spiderman’s back, YAY. So then he confronts Rhino, who turns out to be a thief that he caught earlier in the movie, there is this really cool bit from the trailer with a manhole cover, and then, Boom, end. I just pretty much shouted WHAT!? THATS THE END!? and people gave me funny looks, but I watched the trailer again to prove my theory and, yep, the trailer ends literally at the same second the film does in this scene. The end of the trailer is also the end of the film. WHY!? so, yes it did get me excited to see the Amazing Spiderman three, but I don’t think the ending to a film should basically be a promotion for the next film, I think it should have some sort of ending, I would be fine if it ended after Rhino was beaten up, but I saw somewhere online that Rhino was in the film for about four minutes. I’m disappointed in you Sony. It was advertised to have three Villians, one was a henchman, one is in prison, obviously about to be broken out, and one was in it for four minutes. I would just like to say though I have only talked about the negatives here, I would wright about the positives as well, Such as (similar to the first film) the absolutely incredible soundtrack, but that would be another five hundred words and I cant be bothered with that, I hope you have found this enjoyable/informative

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